Saturday, December 26, 2009

Step-4 Get Income from Free Blog

So.. are you still with me today ? Good, it gives me spirit to keep writing articles. And, as I said before here  it always be free.  Mmm... by the way, are you still clicking those ads at your NeoBux account ? That's awesome ! You have reach the next level : Patience !

At this step, I would explain in more detail about what is the next action you can do after you made your free blog with ?

Join some free affiliate programs. For example : for you who live in Indonesia, you can join as an affiliate in our website is Make a post containing a brief description of paypalbisnis and do not forget to include your referral link in the blog post. Build a campaign to obtain such income (eg. IDR 30, 000)  for each new member apply to paypalbisnis. You can also market other products or join the other programs and then post on the your blog.

Join Paid Per Click (PPC) either on your local country or global network company like NeoBux. I have explain this at Step-1. Follow as many (minimum 3) as many PPC program, because it only spend you a few minutes to view the ads. Dont waste your time for waiting. I put IDR-CLICKIT and PUNDIBUX banner to be clicked and for you to register.

Read about adSense. There are plenty of adSense out there. If you see on my blog's right side, or the lowest part below the PundiBux banner, you will find Indonesia's local adSense - adSenseCamp.  Register for valid and legit adsense like : Google Adsense. So why my blog does not use Google Adsense ? Because I'd like to use my own country's product ^_^

Promote you blog ... Promote ... and Promote ! Since the money will come when you have visitors. The more you promote, the more you get your visitors. You can hope 20% from all of your visitors accept your offer, accept your idea to HELP EACH OTHER, SHARE THE WEALTH TO THE WORLD. Don't be stingy, the money will not bring you happy, but if you share, you donate it to the poor, then the universe (God) will give you more.
For Indonesian, you can promote your blog to don't worry  the dot US does not mean it is united states (US) ^_^. Register first before you can post new thread.
Make sure you promote your blog politely, read the term of services.

For Other country than Indonesia, you may promote your blog on your famous forums in your country. For examples:, then go to its forum ==> psst.... this is a clue for later articles ;-)

If you have facebook, friendster or any social network account then you can use it to promote your blog. So the keyword is PROMOTE, and use everything you have to gain the dollar. Beg your friends to join is good, but you can not spend your time to that kind of job all of time.

Okay, keep your eyes open. If you want to get update news, just write an email to me and you will be registered (once again for free) to receive my newsletter.